Robinson R22 2200 Hour Overhaul Kits
Thank you for contacting Rotorcorp for the approaching 2200 hour overhaul on your Robinson R22 HP, Beta or Beta II helicopter!
Our genuine field overhaul kits combine both Robinson factory overhauled components together with new parts to perform the airframe 2200 hour service for your helicopter in the field. The following kit packages offers an easy and convenient way to order all necessary components at a discounted price.
Please factor in the estimated lead times provided by RHC before placing your order. Estimated lead times are not guaranteed and are subject to change.

Week Lead Time*
*Per RHC Customer Service as of 1 September, 2024
Rotorcorp Engine & Overhaul Kit Reservation Program
If you’re considering a Lycoming Factory engine option as part of your overhaul service, Rotorcorp has created a turn-key Engine & Overhaul Kit Reservation Program that allows you to reserve your preferred engine option with just a small deposit, then we handle the rest of the coordination and details to ensure that the engine and airframe kit deliver together. For more details about the reservation program and to view available delivery positions, click below.
Robinson R22 Beta 2200 Hour Overhaul Kit
Download: August 2024 Robinson R22 Beta Overhaul Kit Content & Prices (PDF)
R22 Beta Field Component Overhaul Kit (KI-2202)
Download: KI-2202 R22 Beta 2200 Hour Kit Contents and instructions.
R22 Beta Core Deposit, Refundable (R7352)
The core charge is forwarded by the Service Center to Robinson Helicopter Company and is refunded upon receipt and inspection of acceptable core components.
O-320 Engine Build-Up Kit (KI-2204)
Download: R22 O-320 Engine Kit Contents and Installation Instructions
R22 Interior Overhaul Kit, Leather (KI-2206-2)
R22 Interior Overhaul Kit, Velour (KI-2206-1)
Download: R22-series Interior Furnishings Installation Kit Contents and Instructions
Lycoming Factory O-320-B2C Engines
Lycoming Factory Overhaul Exchange (HENPL-9715)*
Lycoming Factory Rebuilt Exchange (RENPL-9715)*
Lycoming Factory New Exchange (ENPL-9715)*
*Lycoming factory O-320 exchange engines require either a $28,600 core deposit with order or submittal of core engine in advance of the order to waive core deposit. Note: Per Lycoming SL-277, as of Jan. 6, 2020 Lycoming factory engines will no longer include an Alternator or Starter. Prices do not include freight and shipping charges. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Robinson R22 Beta II 2200 Hour Overhaul Kit
Download: August 2024 Robinson R22 Beta II Overhaul Kit Content & Prices (PDF)
R22 Beta II Field Component Overhaul Kit (KI-2203)
Download: KI-2202 R22 Beta II 2200 Hour Kit Contents and instructions.
R22 Beta II Core Deposit, Refundable (R7352)
The core charge is forwarded by the Service Center to Robinson Helicopter Company and is refunded upon receipt and inspection of acceptable core components.
O-360 Engine Build-Up Kit (KI-2205)
Download: R22 O-360 Engine Kit Contents and Installation Instructions
R22 Interior Overhaul Kit, Leather (KI-2206-2)
R22 Interior Overhaul Kit, Velour (KI-2206-1)
Download: R22-series Interior Furnishings Installation Kit Contents and Instructions
Lycoming Factory O-360-J2A Engines
Lycoming Factory Overhaul Exchange (HENPL- RT10603)*
Lycoming Factory Rebuilt Exchange (RENPL- RT10603)*
Lycoming Factory New Exchange (ENPL-RT10603)*
*Lycoming Factory exchange O-360 engines require either a $28,600 core deposit with order or submittal of core engine in advance of the order to waive core deposit. Note: Per Lycoming SL-277, as of Jan. 6, 2020 Lycoming factory engines will no longer include an Alternator or Starter. Prices do not include freight and shipping charges. Prices are subject to change without notice.