Got Cores?
In its May 16th Dealer Newsletter, Robinson Helicopter Company issued a request for dealers, service centers, maintainers, and operators worldwide to return any suitable core components for evaluation and refund credit. By submitting these difficult-to-manufacture items back to Robinson, the need to produce more costly new components is reduced and valuable manufacturing capacity is reserved, helping to keep costs and lead times low.
High Demand Core Components
Of specific interest, Robinson is actively seeking the return of the following high demand R44 components:
- C006-7/-8 M.R. Gearbox Assembly
- D22-1 Hydraulic Servo Assembly
- C017-6 Swashplate Assembly
- C018-4/-5 Clutch Assembly
- C051-1/-2 Clutch Actuator Assembly

Changes to Core Process on Horizon
With long processing times and opaque credit policies, the core refund process has been a pain point for nearly every Robinson customer. While no details were mentioned in the newsletter, the company acknowledges past difficulties and made promising remarks that work is under way reviewing “An accelerated core evaluation and reimbursement credit process”.
Rotorcorp is Here to Help
If you have questions about returning cores to Robinson and receiving a refund, we are here to assist you with the necessary Robinson paperwork, shipping, and customs documentation. Feel free to contact us directly for help!
If you want to get started on your own, download the RHC Core Return Authorization Form HERE.
If you’re returning cores from abroad, goods that were made in the United States (U.S.) and returning back to the United States are usually eligible for duty-free treatment.
The provision 9801.00.10 in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) allows U.S. made products to return to the United States without duty requirements by filing a CPB Form 3311 with your inbound shipment.