Beat the Heat- Order Your R22, R44 or R66 Overhaul Kit Before July Price Hike.
Price Increases are Likely Coming Again in July
Since 2021, Robinson Helicopter Company has implemented a mid-year price increase. This increase has averaged between 2-3%, which equates to between $3-5K for overhaul kits. We have no reason to believe this year will be any different, so if you have a 2000-2200 hour milestone approaching in the next 8-months, we urge you to place your order soon before a mid-year increase goes into effect.
Cost Savings are Available Through Group Orders
Rotorcorp’s Group Order program represents the best way to maximize savings on overhaul kits. By participating in a group order, customers typically earn a 7% discount off of Robinson’s published list prices. In order to qualify, payment must be received by the established payment due dates listed below:
Monday, May 27th 2024 and
Monday, June 24th 2024
Please reach out soon to our customer service team to finalize your order ahead of these dates.
Save an Additional $2000 (Each) by Bringing a Friend and Ordering Together!
As an additional incentive, and for a limited time, if you and a friend order any combination of two R44 and/or R66 overhaul kits together, each of you will SAVE an extra $2,000 on top of the 7% Group Order Discount.
Qualifying orders must be received and paid in full by both customers prior to 5 PM, June 24, 2024. This incentive is for R44 and R66 overhaul kits only, and does not apply to R22 kits.
Current Overhaul Kit Lead Times
As of May 1, 2024 and according to Robinson Helicopter Company customer service, the current overhaul kit lead times are as follows. We are seeing decreasing lead times across the board, with noteworthy gains on the R22 and R66 lead times.