Welcome to the new Rotorcorp.com! We’ve been working on delivering a better website that improves your experience while shopping for Robinson Helicopter Parts.
Below are a few highlighted features that you may wish to use:
Rotorcorp.com is available in 10 languages
While English may be the “language of aviation”, Rotorcorp has customers in over 45 countries.
We responded to those customers by offering this website and web store in ten different languages. Rotrocorp’s translation is powered by Google Translate. While Google’s translations are good, they’re not 100% accurate.
English – Shop for Robinson R22, R44, and R66 Helicopter Parts in English
Spanish – Compre repuestos para helicópteros Robinson R22, R44 y R66 en español
Portuguese – Compre peças para helicópteros Robinson R22, R44 e R66 em português
Czech – Nakupujte díly pro vrtulníky Robinson R22, R44 a R66 v češtině
Korean – Robinson R22, R44 및 R66 헬리콥터 부품 한국어로 쇼핑하기</p.
French – Achetez des pièces d’hélicoptères Robinson R22, R44 et R66 en français
Japanese – ロビンソン R22、R44、および R66 ヘリコプターの部品を日本語で購入する
Italian – Acquista ricambi per elicotteri Robinson R22, R44 e R66 in italiano
Finnish – Osta Robinson R22-, R44- ja R66-helikopterin osia suomeksi
German – Kaufen Sie Robinson R22, R44 und R66 Helikopterteile in Deutsch
Live Translation

Your browser language settings and location should serve to automatically redirect you to a translated version of this site, but we wanted to offer our customers the option to translate the site content into the language they prefer.
To change the language of your current session on the Rotorcorp website, scroll to the top of the page and use the drop-down selector to choose the language you desire. Your choice will be in effect until the end of your session.
All translation features are powered by Google Translate, and will only work on text-based content, not images, pdfs, nor videos.
Live Product Search from the Menu Bar

Rotorcorp has invested in an enhanced product search solution that delivers results in a fraction of the time compared to the old website. To get started, simply click the magnifying glass icon…

…doing so reveals the search entry element. Since this is a live search solution, results will appear after typing as few as three characters, as seen here.
Live Shopping Cart

Rotorcorp customers can easily view and edit the contents of their shopping cart by clicking the cart icon…

…upon clicking, the contents of the cart are immediately displayed. This is an editable view, so customers can remove or adjust the quantities of anything in the cart. The cart icon will also display the current number of items in the cart, which updates automatically when products are added or removed.
Easier Account Management

We’ve enhanced the “Your Account” dashboard to make it easier for customers to update their information and view past online orders.
A Better Mobile Experience

Mobile users should click the “hamburger” icon to reveal the main menu.

Doing so reveals the mobile menu.

This is also where mobile users can choose their preferred language.
We hope that you find that these enhancements result in a better, faster, and more intuitive shopping experience. However, if you encounter any problems, please be sure to reach out to us so we can investigate the issue.