Fulton County Commission Officially Recognizes November 17th as “Rotorcorp Appreciation Day”
Atlanta, GA- During today’s meeting of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, legislation was introduced by Vice Chair and District 4 Commissioner Natalie Hall proclaiming today to be “Rotorcorp Appreciation Day”. The measure passed unanimously and is in support of the helicopter parts company’s 10th year in business in 2021.

Commissioner Hall and her team recently visited the Rotorcorp offices located in District 4 at Fulton County Airport to learn more about how we are a majority-export company serving more than 1500 customers in 45 countries around the world. Commissioner Hall and the Airport Management Team also discussed potential opportunities to accommodate Rotorocorp’s planned expansion at the airport with a new ultra-modern headquarters and distribution facility that will generate 10-12 new high-paying jobs in the aerospace industry.
“We are very grateful for the hands-on involvement and support of Commissioner Hall and her ability to bring a rapidly-growing small business together with the Airport leadership in her district.” Said Rotorcorp CEO Sean Casey. “We still have a ton of work ahead of us, but Commissioner Hall was able to connect the dots for everyone and we are now a giant step closer for our vision to become reality.”