Gov. Brian Kemp Announces $4O.5 Billion of Exports for State

Rotorcorp was pleased to join Georgia Governor Brian Kemp today at the Capitol Building where it was announced that the State had reached a new high in 2018 for Exports- in excess of $40.5 Billion. Leadership from the Georgia Department of Economic Development delivered remarks celebrating the achievement and were accompanied by representatives from recognized exporters across the state.

“Trade is a vital part of our state’s economy, and it is exciting to see Georgia products in such high demand across the globe. I thank Governor Perdue and Governor Deal for prioritizing Georgia’s success on the international stage and their commitment to expanding our state’s trade industry,” stated Governor Kemp. “With nearly 90% of exporters classified as small businesses, the 2018 trade numbers showcase the strength and diversity of Georgia’s economy. I look forward to building on today’s announcement and working with private-sector partners to explore new markets for hardworking Georgians.”

“Georgia’s export story is fundamentally about small businesses finding global success,” said GDEcD Deputy Commissioner for International Trade Mary Waters. “Our team assists hundreds of companies each year, half of which employ fewer than twenty. These entrepreneurial businesses are poised to grow faster and create higher-paying jobs across Georgia because of stronger international sales.”

To read the full press release for today’s announcement, click here.
To read the full 2018 international trade summary, click here.