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r22 r44 2200 hour Overhaul

Planning Your R22 or R44 2200 Hour Overhaul Keeps Dollars in Your Pocket

Have you have been watching the Hobbs meter tick slowly toward the 2200 hour mark? If you are like most Robinson operators, each tick is accompanied with some quick math in your head to determine precisely when the “magic moment” will occur and if you will have the funds in place to complete the overhaul when it does.  If you are planning to overhaul your Robinson R22 or R44 Aircraft in the final quarter of 2013 or the first quarter of 2014, then it is time to develop your overhaul plan to ensure the work is done in a thorough, cost effective and timely manner.

When is the right time to order my Kit and Components?

While Robinson Helicopter Company has made vast improvements in reducing overhaul kit lead times, there is still a bit of variability depending on current volumes at the factory.  We suggest placing your order a full two months ahead of the earliest date you anticipate needing to overhaul.  It is also important to consider that in January of each year Robinson has traditionally increased prices on part an average of 2-3% annually- this hike could equate to a $3700 increase on a Raven I kit (R8209), $3900 for a Raven II kit (R8210), and $2750 for an R22 kit (R7951/R7351).  Ordering before December is a great way save thousands and take a potential tax write off in the current tax year.

If you have time and some flexibility on your side, Rotorcorp may also be able provide the option of even greater savings by placing your overhaul kit order as part of a larger order of multiple customers.  If you have supplied us with your contact and overhaul details, Rotorcorp can notify you of upcoming orders that might save money in lieu of ordering in a stand-alone scenario.  If you would like to take moment to provide us with your information for this purpose, you can do so here.  Rotorcorp currently has orders booked through 2015, so there is a good chance we can find a match!

Contact your Maintenance Provider

Contact your service center or maintenance provider ahead to see what their schedule is going to be like at the time you begin overhauling.  Remember that work on aircraft teardown and preparation can begin before arrival of the overhaul components.  Not only will you cut down on delays because your ship will be ready when overhaul components arrive, but core components will be ready to ship back to Robinson for a refund of your core deposit sooner!  This time will also give you’re A&P ample time to order any ancillary parts that might be needed before installation starts.

If you have questions about your upcoming Robinson helicopter overhaul, please feel free to contact us 404-424-9105  for a no strings attached consultation.

If you are ready to start pricing your kit and evaluting options, follow the links below for your aircraft:

